First Semester-ND | Computer Science

Course Information Course Code: MTH111 Course Title: Logic and Linear Algebra Credit Units: 2 Credit Units Year of Study: One Semester: First

Course Introduction and Description

Logic is one of the most interesting and important topics you will ever study.  Logic teaches us how to recognize good and bad arguments. Evaluating arguments is a skill common to Mathematics, physics, psychology, and any other intellectual field. Logic help us to construct good arguments, evaluate reasons, and know when they should, and should not, be convincing. In recent years, Linear algebra has become an important mathematical background needed by mathematicians, engineers, computer scientists, physicists, economists, and statisticians, among others. This shows the wide applications of the topic.

During this course, you will be thought the meaning of negation, conjunction, disjunction, implication, bi-implication, and tautology, universal and existential quantifier. Different types truth tables will be exposed to you. Details explanation on permutation and combination will be provided. You will learn binomial expansion, algebraic operation of matrixes and determinant.

This course will provide you with basic knowledge of logic and linear algebra and will assist you in writing computer programs.

Course Prerequisites

You are required to have the following to be qualified for this course.

1. Five credits in SSCE certificate

2. Basic Computer Operations proficiency

3. Online interaction proficiency

4.  Web 2.0 and Social media interactive skill.

Course Learning Resources

Course Objectives

This course shall among others ensure that you:

1. Discuss the concept of logic and abstract thinking

2. Understand the concept of permutations and combination

3. Illustrate Binomial expansion of algebraic expression

Understand the algebraic operations of matrixes and determinants

Activities to Meet the Course Objective

The course material is written in a simple and concise way that will help you understand this course and encourage you to understand it very well. Logic is a very interesting topic that you will enjoy studying it. For you, appropriate sites and standard references have been given. In this class, there will be a lot of chatting and online networking through WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram. Individual and group assignments will take place. No late assignment from you will be entertained or acknowledged and thus, with your report, be very serious. Completion and prompt submission of tasks can also act as part of the evaluation. You are supposed to read carefully and grasp this course material very well. On your cell phones, you are also supposed to have software applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram, a working email address and a phone number so that you can talk, connect and exchange ideas with each other. Please do not hesitate to use my email addresses, phone numbers and social media sites to contact me. Please do not hesitate to use my email addresses, phone numbers and social media sites to contact me. Thank you and bless God.

Course Currilcum

      • Session 1: Connectives Unlimited
      • MTH 111 (M1 S1)Assignment 1 1 week, 3 days
      • Session 2: Truth Table. Unlimited
      • MTH 111 (M1 S2)Assignment 1 1 week, 3 days
      • Session 3: Quantifiers and validity of argument Unlimited
      • MTH 111 (M1 S3)Assignment 1 1 week, 3 days
      • Session 1: Permutations. Fundamental principle of permutations. Unlimited
      • MTH 111 (M2 S1)Assignment 1 Unlimited
      • Session 2: Types of Permutations Unlimited
      • MTH 111 (M2 S2)Assignment 1 1 week, 3 days
      • Session 3: Combinations Unlimited
      • Session 1: Mathematical induction and Binomial expansion Unlimited
      • Session 2: Binomial theorem. Unlimited
      • MTH 111 (M3 S2)Assignment 1 7 days
      • Session 3: Binomial theorem for rational numbers Unlimited
      • MTH 111 (M3 S3)Assignment 1 7 days
      • Session 4: Binomial expansion in approximations. Unlimited
      • MTH 111 (M3 S4)Assignment 1 7 days
      • Session 1: Matrix and Arithmetic operation of matrices. Unlimited
      • MTH 111 (M4 S1)Assignment 1 7 days
      • Session 2: Multiplication and Determinant of a matrix Unlimited
      • MTH 111 (M4 S2)Assignment 1 7 days
      • Session 3: Minors and Cofactors of determinant Unlimited
      • MTH 111 (M4 S3)Assignment 1 Unlimited

    Course Instructors

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    ODFeL Manager Sam

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